Attention Florida Counselors! Your LCSW, LMFT, and LMHC CEU requirements are here — Click Here

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Florida Laws and Rules Pertaining to SW, MFT, MHC

Approved by the Florida Board of CSW, MFT, MHC

This course meets the requirements for the initial application to become an LCSW, LMFT, or LMHC through the Florida Board of CSW, MFT, MHC.

The Florida Board of CSW, MFT, MHC requires that you take part in an interactive way during this course for it to meet the requirements for initial licensure. To meet this requirement, we offer a 30-minute interactive Zoom chat to discuss sections and case studies. The times are listed on the Dashboard tab on the right side of the screen.  We offer one a week.

We will email you and the board processor your certificate upon completion.

This course will award 8 continuing education hours.

Please see the board approval box for course approvals.