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Case Management and Referral-Florida Certification Board CAP

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Case management offers the client a single point of contact with the health and social services systems. Throughout case management models, in the substance abuse field and elsewhere, there is an overriding belief that clients must take the lead in identifying needed resources. This understanding forms the context for the professional’s work, which focuses on identifying psychosocial issues and anticipating helping the client obtain resources. Case management also embodies the strengths perspective, based on the belief that individuals possess abilities and inner resources that allow them to cope effectively with the challenges of living.

The Florida Certification Board approves this course and meets the 15-hour requirement for the Case Management and Referral Domain for the initial application for the CAP credentials. Please see the Florida Certification Board for full details on these credentials, including formal education, other content-specific training domains required, work experience, supervision, and required exams.

This course will award 15 continuing education hours.

Please see the board approval box for course approvals.