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Sexual Harassment
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. This course will explore this topic, helping employees know what constitutes sexual harassment and what to do as a co-worker or victim.
This course does not offer continuing education for license renewal.
This course will award 1 continuing education hour.
Course Objectives
- Explain the terms associated with sexual harassment.
- Discuss how to prevent sexual harassment.
- Understand why it is important to take action.
- Understand what employers can do to minimize legal exposure.
- Content Level: Intermediate
- Course Format: This course is offered as a self-paced distance learning format (reading-based online activity)
- System Requirements: This course is offered online. Internet connection required.
- Course Completion Information: To earn continuing education credit, professionals must register and pay the fee for the course. They must read the content and demonstrate understanding by earning a minimum score of 70 percent on testing materials. The certificate of completion will be able to be downloaded after the above is completed. Refunds will be granted upon request with the withdrawal of credit for the course. For questions, concerns, or to request special accommodations, please call 866-863-4225 or email ContactUs@BaysideCEU.com.
- CEBroker Course ID: NA
- Credit Hours: 1