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Pennsylvania Certification Board

Harm Reduction in Substance Abuse Treatment is an approach that prioritizes the health and well-being of individuals who use substances by focusing on reducing the negative consequences associated with drug use rather than solely aiming for abstinence. This course is essential as it equips participants with a comprehensive understanding of Harm Reduction principles, strategies, ethical considerations, and controversial arguments for and against, enabling them to address substance abuse in a compassionate and pragmatic manner. Throughout the course, we will explore various Harm Reduction interventions, such as safe consumption spaces, needle exchange programs, and medication-assisted treatments, and learn how to implement these practices effectively within communities.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Ethics are crucial in any profession, particularly in mental health. They establish a framework of principles that guide professionals in making informed, responsible, and morally sound decisions. Adhering to ethical standards ensures the protection of the client’s rights and well-being, fosters trust in the therapeutic relationship and upholds the profession’s integrity. By prioritizing ethics, mental health professionals can navigate complex situations with clarity, mitigate potential harm, and contribute to mental health services’ overall credibility and reliability.

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ethical principles and standards essential in clinical practice. It covers crucial topics such as ethical decision-making frameworks, maintaining professional boundaries, and the appropriate use of physical touch in therapy. The course delves into the complexities of dual relationships, offering guidelines to navigate these situations ethically. Additionally, it addresses the legal and ethical responsibilities regarding the reporting of abuse and other critical issues faced by mental health professionals.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Ethics are crucial in any profession, particularly in mental health. They establish a framework of principles that guide professionals in making informed, responsible, and morally sound decisions. Adhering to ethical standards ensures the protection of the client’s rights and well-being, fosters trust in the therapeutic relationship and upholds the profession’s integrity. By prioritizing ethics, mental health professionals can navigate complex situations with clarity, mitigate potential harm, and contribute to mental health services’ overall credibility and reliability.

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ethical principles and standards essential in clinical practice. It covers crucial topics such as ethical decision-making frameworks, maintaining professional boundaries, and the appropriate use of physical touch in therapy. The course delves into the complexities of dual relationships, offering guidelines to navigate these situations ethically. Additionally, it addresses the legal and ethical responsibilities regarding the reporting of abuse and other critical issues faced by mental health professionals.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course on Clinical Evaluation and Mental Status Examination is designed to equip healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform comprehensive mental health assessments. Participants will learn to conduct detailed clinical evaluations, including patient history taking, symptom assessment, and risk factor identification. The course will also cover the Mental Status Examination (MSE), providing techniques for systematically assessing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Ethics are crucial in any profession, particularly in mental health. They establish a framework of principles that guide professionals in making informed, responsible, and morally sound decisions. Adhering to ethical standards ensures the protection of the client’s rights and well-being, fosters trust in the therapeutic relationship and upholds the profession’s integrity. By prioritizing ethics, mental health professionals can navigate complex situations with clarity, mitigate potential harm, and contribute to mental health services’ overall credibility and reliability.

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the ethical principles and standards essential in clinical practice. It covers crucial topics such as ethical decision-making frameworks, maintaining professional boundaries, and the appropriate use of physical touch in therapy. The course delves into the complexities of dual relationships, offering guidelines to navigate these situations ethically. Additionally, it addresses the legal and ethical responsibilities regarding the reporting of abuse and other critical issues faced by mental health professionals.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This comprehensive course is designed to equip mental health professionals, healthcare providers, and community workers with the essential knowledge and skills needed to effectively assess, intervene, and prevent suicide. Through a structured and detailed curriculum, participants will explore the multifaceted nature of suicide, from understanding its impact to recognizing risk factors and implementing effective intervention strategies.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course explores animal-assisted psychotherapy (AAP) theory and practice, focusing primarily on therapy dogs due to their prevalent role in volunteer and professional settings. The historical, theoretical, and practical dimensions of AAP are described so learners gain a foundational understanding of attachment theory, biophilia theory, and human-animal relational theory as they pertain to AAP. The course critically examines the efficacy of AAP through research, outlines challenges, and presents clinical applications across various psychological approaches. It also covers the selection and characteristics of successful therapy dogs, therapy dog registration, and the importance of pursuing advanced training for practitioners interested in integrating AAP into their practice.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Understanding the significance of relapse prevention, identifying common risk factors, and implementing effective strategies are essential steps in helping a client achieve long-term recovery.

This course will explore what addiction and relapse are, the stages of each, how to develop a relapse prevention plan and how to identify triggers.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Every day counselors, nurses, psychiatric technicians, and others are called upon to intervene in crisis situations that may become dangerous if not handled properly.

This course will explore the prevention of aggressive behavior and crisis intervention techniques, which can include verbal de-escalation and physical interventions. We will identify the definition of aggression, warning signs of aggressive behavior, strategies to diffuse aggressive situations, crisis intervention techniques, and staff responsibilities after an event.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Severe anxiety can arise after trauma or injury, under persistent stress, or extreme change. This course will explore distinguishing between everyday worry and an anxiety disorder, the top five anxiety disorders, signs, symptoms, and risk factors.  We will also discuss treatment approaches.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Anger is a powerful, natural feeling. Everyone feels it at some time, and we have the right to feel that way. It’s what someone does with anger that makes the difference.

As clinicians, we aim to help clients learn effective ways to manage their anger. In this course, we will explore anger and its causes, common approaches to anger, the problems with anger, the positive aspects of anger, and anger management.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.