We do not respond to voicemails. If we do not answer, we are on the line with another client. Please text or email us. We respond throughout the day or attempt to call again at another time.
Florida Approved Qualified Supervisor Live Training
This course is designed to meet the Florida Statute requirements of the Board of SW, MFT, & MHC for application to become a clinical supervisor in the state of Florida. You can also utilize the hours for license renewal. The focus of the training is to provide potential mental health supervisors with the essential information, basic skills, and resources to provide licensure supervision to qualified licensure applicants. Qualified Supervisor Training will provide participants with specific exercises designed to enhance understanding and use of different models of Clinical Supervision.
This course is taught in a live, interactive format on Zoom. Zoom system requirements include Windows XP or higher, MacOS 9 or higher, Android 4.0 or higher, an internet connection, camera, speakers, and a microphone.
*The board does require that the camera remains on during the training.
This training is presented by Leesa M. Robertson, M.Ed., CAP, LMHC
Ms. Robertson, M.Ed., CAP, LMHC, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Florida and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia. She is credentialed in alcohol and other drug counseling. She is an approved Florida Qualified Supervisor and has worked both in the hospital setting and in private practice.
To earn continuing education credit, professionals must register and pay the fee for the training, be present for the entire event with their camera on and complete the course evaluation. Certificates of completion will be emailed within 1 business day of course completion.
We will provide you with the application to apply with the Florida board after the course.
If you need to change to a different training date, we are happy to accommodate. Refunds will be granted up to 24 hours in advance of the event. In the event that this event has to be canceled, we will offer an alternate date and/or a full refund. The choice between the new date and the full refund will be up to each participant.
For questions, concerns, or to request special accommodations, please call 866-863-4225 or email [email protected].
This course will award 12 continuing education hours.
Please see the board approval box for course approvals.Live Training February 6th & 7th (Thursday & Friday) via Zoom
This course is designed to meet the Florida Statute requirements of the Board of SW, MFT, & MHC for application to become a clinical supervisor in the state of Florida. You can also utilize the hours for license renewal. The focus of the training is to provide potential mental health supervisors with the essential information, basic skills, and resources to provide licensure supervision to qualified licensure applicants. Qualified Supervisor Training will provide participants with specific exercises designed to enhance understanding and use of different models of Clinical Supervision.
This will also be offered on future dates:
May 29th & 30th (Thursday & Friday)
August 29th & 30th (Friday & Saturday
Course Objectives
1. Summarize the major models of supervision for clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, or mental health counseling.
2. Develop a personal model of supervision drawn from existing models of supervision and preferred styles of therapy;
3. Consider the co-evolving dynamics of therapist-client and supervisor-therapist-client relationships;
4. Weigh issues that will arise in supervision;
5. Consider the contextual variable in practice, such as culture, gender, ethnicity, power, and economics;
6. Discuss the ethical, legal, and regulatory issues of supervision;
7. Summarize the Florida laws and the board rules for interns; and
8. Integrate the role of evaluation in supervision;
Board Approvals
National Approvals
Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) (ACE)BaysideCEU.com, #1793, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. BaysideCEU.com maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: 02/04/2024 – 02/04/2026.
The Association For Addiction Professionals NAADACProvider #81892. BaysideCEU is responsible for all aspects of programming.
The National Board For Certified Counselors NBCCBaysideCEU has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP #6098. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. BaysideCEU is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
State Approvals
Florida Board of CSW, MFT, MHCProvider Number BAP-#726.
- Relevance: The content level is advanced, with the target audience being masters level social workers with 2 years of post-licensure experience, masters level marriage and family therapists with 3 years of post-licensure experience, and masters level mental health counselors with 3 years of post-licensure experience. To cross-supervise, the board requires coursework in the other licensed areas.
- Content Level: Intermediate
- Course Format: This course is offered in a live format via Zoom.
- System Requirements: This course is offered online. Internet connection required.
- Course Completion Information: To earn continuing education credit, professionals must register and pay the fee for the course. They must read the content and demonstrate understanding by earning a minimum score of 70 percent on testing materials. The certificate of completion will be able to be downloaded after the above is completed. Refunds will be granted upon request with the withdrawal of credit for the course. For questions, concerns, or to request special accommodations, please call 866-863-4225 or email [email protected].
- CEBroker Course ID: 852489
- Credit Hours: 12