We do not respond to voicemails. If we do not answer, we are on the line with another client. Please text or email us. We respond throughout the day or attempt to call again at another time.
Understanding the responsibilities of mandated reporting is essential in ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals. This course will provide an overview of the legal and ethical requirements for reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment in behavioral health settings. Participants will learn which professionals are required to report, the appropriate procedures for filing a report, and the critical timelines that must be followed to comply with state and federal laws. By the end of this training, professionals will be equipped with the knowledge needed to navigate these responsibilities with confidence and diligence.
This course is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal, medical, or professional advice. Participants are responsible for applying their own judgment and following all relevant laws, regulations, and professional guidelines. The course provider is not liable for any actions taken based on this material.