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The National Board For Certified Counselors NBCC

Compassion fatigue is a condition characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion leading to a diminished ability to empathize or feel compassion for others, often described as the negative cost of caring. It is sometimes referred to as secondary traumatic stress or burnout.  It is especially relevant to mental health and substance abuse professionals.   Compassion fatigue describes the physical, emotional, and psychological impact of helping others.

This course will explore where this can occur, signs of compassion fatigue, and how to help yourself and others.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Uncertainty is very much a part of our lives. This course will explore how to address fear and anxiety in the midst of the pandemic, protests, and economic concerns.  This course will explore the difference between productive and non-productive worry, fear, and anxiety.  We will look at self-soothing exercises and therapeutic techniques.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Medical errors comprise the largest issue facing this country with regard to health care. This course was designed to educate those in the health care industry and specifically the mental health field on the magnitude of medical errors, their adverse effects, and methods to analyze errors in an effort to avoid future mishaps.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

The laws and regulations governing the confidentiality of substance use disorder records were written out of great concern about the potential use of substance use disorder information against individuals, causing individuals with substance use disorders not to seek treatment.

A risk-managed approach to documentation is a best practice to protect the client and the professional.

This course will explore 42 CFR part 2, HIPAA, and documentation of substance abuse therapy.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will review the statistics and prevalence of domestic violence in our society. We will define domestic violence and its various types of abuse.

The course will review the dynamics of violent relationships. Violent relationships follow a predictable cycle of violence. This course will discuss this cycle and review its patterns and screening methods through multiple case studies. The course will delve into special populations and associated risk factors. Upon completing the course, the professional will understand the specific resources available for those in need.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore how culture and stereotypes play a role in our we see ourselves and our clients.  We will explore cultural competency through cultural awareness, beliefs, knowledge, and skills.  We will examine the implications for counseling theory, research, practice, and training.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in 1935 to help alcoholics abstain from the consumption of alcohol and to “stay sober” through the sharing of their experiences with others who have had similar experiences in a protected environment.

The 12 Step, the cornerstone of the program, was developed later to help govern the fellowship and to establish a consistent approach to spiritual and character-building endeavors. 

This course will explore the history and efficacy of the 12-step approach.

This course will award 1 continuing education hour.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Navigating the requirements of reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment is an important responsibility for everyone, particularly mandated reporters. This presentation will explore the requirements for reporting child abuse in California. We will look at which professionals are required to report. We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Every day counselors, nurses, psychiatric technicians, and others are called upon to intervene in crisis situations that may become dangerous if not handled properly.

This course will explore the prevention of aggressive behavior and crisis intervention techniques, which can include verbal de-escalation and physical interventions. We will identify the definition of aggression, warning signs of aggressive behavior, strategies to diffuse aggressive situations, crisis intervention techniques, and staff responsibilities after an event.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Severe anxiety can arise after trauma or injury, under persistent stress, or extreme change. This course will explore distinguishing between everyday worry and an anxiety disorder, the top five anxiety disorders, signs, symptoms, and risk factors.  We will also discuss treatment approaches.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Anger is a powerful, natural feeling. Everyone feels it at some time, and we have the right to feel that way. It’s what someone does with anger that makes the difference.

As clinicians, we aim to help clients learn effective ways to manage their anger. In this course, we will explore anger and its causes, common approaches to anger, the problems with anger, the positive aspects of anger, and anger management.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore the requirements for reporting child and elder abuse in Florida. The course will list who mandated reporters are, when a report is warranted, and how to make the report when necessary. We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must occur.

It will award 1 continuing education hour.  Please see the board approval box or course approvals.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Navigating the requirements of reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment is an important responsibility for everyone.  This course will explore the requirements of reporting abuse of both children and vulnerable adults in New Jersey. We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place. 

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore the types and use of cocaine. We will look at cocaine-related disorders, DSM IV criteria, the cycle of use, addiction process, and treatment for this drug.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will update our current understanding of what HIV and AIDS are and how they are transmitted. The prevalence of the disease and how it attacks the body will be explained. Current information on the transmission, as well as the correction of several common myths,  will be taught. The importance of testing and diagnosis is ever-increasing with the significant progress being made regarding the treatment of HIV.

We will explore confidentiality and legal protection for the HIV-infected person.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Treatment Centers struggle with clients wanting to leave Against Medical Advice (AMA) yet research shows that long-term recovery is frequently tied to the length of stay. This course will explore:

Who is most likely to leave against medical advice.
Why do individuals leave against medical advice?
What are the dangers of leaving against medical advice?
What can be done to prevent people from leaving against medical advice?

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Successful counseling with members of various minority groups, including ethnic background, age, sex, sexual orientation, and disability groups, requires education and self-reflection. There are implications for counseling theory, research, practice, and training. This course will explore the various special populations and what those in the counseling field should consider offering cultural pluralism and sensitivity.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore how we define shyness from feeling and behavioral aspects. We will look at the various theories for causation and treatment. We will also look at how shyness is influenced by gender, age, and culture.

We will explore research and the treatments most frequently used.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories.  This course will provide an introduction to this technique.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

The purpose of the course is to enhance the reader’s understanding of denial and to relate stages of denial to the corresponding stages of the disease of addiction. Denial and addiction must be treated concurrently if successful treatment is to be achieved. The course will define specific exercises that can be utilized with clients.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

The primary purpose of mental health and substance use treatment must be the therapeutic care and treatment of individuals who are suffering from mental health and addiction issues. It must never be the financial or personal gain of the practitioner or facility. Those suffering are inevitably vulnerable.

This course will explore both fraud and waste. We will also look at strategies to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse of resources. We will explore how you can be a part of the solution.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Telemental health has grown in popularity over the last decade as a way for therapists to offer their services via an online or a virtual setting through live interactive video conferencing.

This course will explore the definition of telemental health, the benefits, and drawbacks for this service method, the appropriate screening of clients for telemental health services as well as the ethical codes involved. We will touch on reimbursement issues.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Women seeking addiction treatment face unique barriers and distinctive issues or sensitivities from their male counterparts. This course will explore the treatment of substance abuse in women, how substance abuse affects relationships, psychological patterns of why women abuse substances, the significance of family history, how substance abuse affects health, codependency, co-occurring disorders, relapse prevention, and social service systems.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Sexual violence happens in every community and affects people of all genders and ages.

These assaults leave behind a lifetime of psychological damage.

This course will explore the terms related to sexual abuse, tactics and how alcohol and drugs play a part, signs of sexual assault, human sex trafficking, prevalence, treatment options.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Motivational interviewing is a client-centered, directive counseling method aimed at enhancing intrinsic motivation that helps people resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior.

This course will discuss ambivalence and its role in client motivation, overall and specific to substance abuse issues. We will explore the five basic principles of motivational interviewing that can be used to address ambivalence and to facilitate the change process. We will also look at approaches to use with clients in the early stages of treatment.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore the requirements of reporting child, intimate partner, and vulnerable adult abuse in Maryland. We will look at which professionals are required to report.  We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place. 


This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter their sense of security, making them feel helpless and vulnerable in a dangerous world.

This course will explore both emotional and psychological trauma, risk factors, and symptoms.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.