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Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body, such as the kidney, spine, and brain. Two TB-related conditions exist: latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB disease.

This course will explore how the different forms of tuberculosis, the signs and symptoms of the disease, how it is diagnosed, and infection control procedures.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course meets the requirements for the 3-hour Florida Laws and Rules Update required every third biennium for license renewal. It is not the 8-hour initial licensure course. Please see below for the 8-hour Laws and Rules course.

The course is developed by extrapolating Florida Statutes that pertain to the counseling profession. The course utilizes law, changes in statutes, examples, and case studies.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Water-based activities are widely enjoyed and have a positive impact on our lives, whether it be spending time at the beach, lake, or river, visiting public pools or water parks, or enjoying residential pools and spas. However, it’s important to acknowledge that water can also pose potential risks and hazards.

This course will explore the necessary steps to attempt to prevent water emergencies, water safety, and how to respond if something does go wrong.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Chapter 4 of the California Medical Waste Management Act (MWMA) and the California Safety Code set minimum sanitary practices for managing biomedical waste.  This applies to all facilities that generate, transport, store, or treat biomedical waste to ensure that the waste is handled correctly to protect public health.

This course will explore Chapter 4 of the California Medical Waste Management Act (MWMA) and the California Safety Code.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will enhance the knowledge of healthcare professionals regarding seizure disorders and promote early diagnoses and effective treatments.  Clients with substance abuse issues are at an increased risk for seizures.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Methadone is used for the treatment of opioid use disorder.  It may be used as maintenance therapy or in shorter periods for detoxification to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms. Its use for the treatment of addiction is usually strictly regulated. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Office of Treatment Improvement (OTI) provides guidance on the federal regulations governing the provision of methadone treatment for opioid addiction. According to SAMHSA, all staff who work in an opioid treatment program (OTP) that provides methadone must receive training on methadone.  This course will explore the following:

  • The pharmacology of methadone and other opioid agonist medications.
  • The principles of addiction treatment and the role of methadone in treating opioid addiction.
  • The ethical and legal considerations related to the provision of methadone treatment.
  • The potential side effects of methadone and how to manage them
  • The importance of maintaining the confidentiality and respecting the privacy of patients receiving methadone treatment.
  • The proper handling and storage of methadone and other controlled substances.
This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Determining the nature and intensity of opioid withdrawal symptoms in a detoxing patient is crucial for healthcare providers to assess the risks and make informed decisions during the detoxification process. This is where the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (C.O.W.S.) plays a vital role in addiction treatment and monitoring a patient’s physical well-being during opioid withdrawal management. This course will not explore the C.O.W.S system.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

The Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment Alcohol Scale Revised (CIWA-AR) is an instrument medical professionals use to assess and diagnose the severity of alcohol withdrawal.  The CIWA-AR is one of the most common assessment methods for alcohol withdrawal.  This course will briefly overview the scale, questions, and validity.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Navigating the requirements of reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment is an important responsibility for everyone, particularly mandated reporters.  This presentation will explore the requirements for reporting child abuse in California. We will look at which professionals are required to report.  We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place. 

This course will award 1 continuing education hour. 

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Navigating the requirements of reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment is an important responsibility for everyone, particularly mandated reporters.  This presentation will explore the requirements of reporting child abuse in Massachusetts. We will look at which professionals are required to report.  We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place. 


This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Social media can profoundly impact our relationships, communication, self-esteem, privacy, careers, governments, and beliefs.

This course will explore various social media websites and mobile applications. We will identify trends and statistics. We will delve into the behavioral and emotional pulls that entice users to begin and continue with these activities. We will explore social media’s positive and negative impacts on mental health.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Universal precautions involve an approach to infection control to protect workers from HIV, HBV, and other bloodborne pathogens in human blood and certain other body fluids, regardless of a patient’s infection status.

This course will explore the four primary universal precautions, proper handwashing, personal protective equipment and proper cough etiquette.


This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Formerly known as dual diagnosis or dual disorder, co-occurring disorders describe the presence of both mental health and substance use disorders.  This course will explore the definition of terms used, most common substances, mental disorders that co-exist, symptoms, causes, and treatments for co-occurring disorders.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

The laws and regulations governing the confidentiality of substance use disorder records were written out of great concern about the potential use of substance use disorder information against individuals, causing individuals with substance use disorders not to seek treatment.

A risk-managed approach to documentation is a best practice to protect both the client and the professional.

This course will explore 42 CFR part 2, HIPAA, and documentation of substance abuse therapy.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This  course is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of the ethical principles and standards essential to clinical practice. Participants will explore a wide range of topics, including ethical decision-making frameworks, maintaining professional boundaries, and the appropriate use of physical touch in therapy. The course will also address the complexities of dual relationships, offering guidelines to navigate these situations ethically. Additionally, it will cover the legal and ethical responsibilities regarding the reporting of abuse and other critical issues faced by mental health professionals. Through case studies, interactive discussions, and practical applications, this course aims to equip mental health professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to handle ethical dilemmas confidently and uphold the highest standards of care.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Every year, lives are lost because of the spread of infections in hospitals and outpatient healthcare facilities. Healthcare workers can take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. These steps are part of infection control. Proper handwashing, universal precautions, and knowledge can all help to lead the way to prevent the spread of infections.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that a secondary interest will unduly influence professional judgment or actions regarding a primary interest. Common areas where conflicts of interest can occur in mental health and substance abuse treatment include pharmaceuticals, accepting gifts of various kinds, including meals and drug samples that alter treatment behavior, having a financial interest in a medical product company whose products they prescribe, use, or recommend, and self-referrals.

This course will explore these areas and discuss avoiding conflicts of interest.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course reviews the changes to the Florida laws and rules relating to interns and supervisors, discusses various electronic delivery systems for supervision and methods for ensuring confidentiality, and explores supervision’s ethical, legal, and regulatory issues, including documentation or the supervisory sessions. We will explore models of supervision and how cultural issues can affect the supervisory relationship.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Florida Chapter 64E-16 prescribes minimum sanitary practices for managing biomedical waste, including segregation, handling, labeling, storage, transport, and treatment.  This chapter applies to all facilities that generate, transport, store, or treat biomedical waste to ensure that the waste is handled correctly to protect public health.  Further, this chapter prescribes minimum standards for permitting biomedical waste generators, storage facilities, and treatment facilities and registering biomedical waste transporters.

This course will explore Florida Chapter 64E-16.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Severe anxiety can arise after trauma or injury or under persistent stress or extreme change. This course will explore how to distinguish between everyday worry and an anxiety disorder, signs, symptoms, and risk factors.  We will also discuss treatment approaches and how you can help.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Mental health providers engage with highly confidential health information.  Litigation causes threats to confidentiality that can hinder the therapeutic process, cause potential damage to your client, depending on what you write in the record, and can threaten your practice. This course will provide mental health professionals with a better understanding of legal terms, suggestions for handling requests for confidential information, and guidance with documentation.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore the requirements for recognizing and reporting abuse in Kentucky. The course will list who mandated reporters are, when a report is warranted, and how to make the report when it is necessary. We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must occur. 

It will award 1 continuing education hour.  Please see the board approval box or course approvals.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore the Baker Act for involuntary mental illness assessment and treatment.

The term ‘Baker Act’ is formally known as the Mental Health Act of 1971 and is a Florida Statute, but it became the default name for any involuntary hold laws in the United States.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

More than two-thirds of U.S. states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical treatments, and more are considering bills to do the same. The use of cannabis as medicine has not been rigorously tested due to production and governmental restrictions, resulting in limited clinical research on the safety and efficacy of using cannabis to treat diseases. Medical marijuana doesn’t always “feel” like a medical treatment or medicine.

This course will explore medical marijuana. We will look at the various ways this treatment is treated differently than other prescribed medications and why. We will also explore how the mental health and addiction fields have changed over the years with issues such as this.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Navigating the requirements of reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment is an important responsibility for everyone, particularly mandated reporters.  This presentation will explore the requirements for reporting child abuse in Pennsylvania. We will look at which professionals are required to report.  We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place.


This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Children are suffering from an epidemic of child abuse and neglect. The issue is larger than ever in the wake of the quarantines from the COVID-19 pandemic. This course will explore statistics of child abuse in Florida. We will explore the types of abuse and the signs and symptoms associated with each. The course will review the requirements, timeline, and procedures for reporting child abuse. Prevention strategies will be presented.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Navigating the requirements of reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment is an important responsibility for everyone, particularly mandated reporters.  This presentation will explore the requirements for reporting child abuse in West Virginia. We will look at which professionals are required to report.  We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place. 


This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has been the industry standard for diagnosing mental health disorders since 1952.  The fifth revision of the Manual was published in May 2013.  The text revision was published in March 2022.  This course will provide an overview of the organization, changes, and transitions from the previous edition and controversies regarding the changes.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Every year, lives are lost because of the spread of infections in healthcare facilities. Dental professionals can take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in the dental office and laboratory. Proper handwashing, universal precautions, and knowledge can all help to lead the way to prevent the spread of infections.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Psychedelic drugs are not new. Scientists at pharmaceutical companies have been studying them since the early 1900s.  Indigenous communities around the world have used psilocybin and other consciousness-changing compounds for healing for thousands of years.  In the last five years, a handful of high-quality, albeit small, studies have suggested tremendous benefits from the psychedelic psilocybin for depression, anxiety, and PTSD. This course will explore their history, use, risks, and potential.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without evaluating whether one’s thoughts and feelings are good or bad. It is a skill developed through meditation or other training.

This course will explore the history and origins of mindfulness, the difference between mindfulness, meditation, and flow, the benefits for the client and therapist, and how it can be used in therapy.


This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

According to the CDC, half of all chronic mental illness begins by age 14 and three-quarters begin by age 24. Many factors may contribute to mental illness, including a history of trauma.

This course will explore emotional and psychological trauma and how these affect individuals over time.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

To develop cultural competence, healthcare professionals need to identify their beliefs and build an awareness of their culture. Cultural awareness makes healthcare providers more open to unfamiliar attitudes, practices, and behaviors. This course will explore how culture and stereotypes play a role in our we see ourselves and our clients.  We will explore how we can shift from cultural competence being about racism, genderism, and ageism, to recognizing and working through our biases and blind spots.   We will examine the implications for counseling theory, research, practice, and training.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Compassion fatigue is a condition characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion leading to a diminished ability to empathize or feel compassion for others, often described as the negative cost of caring. It is sometimes referred to as secondary traumatic stress or burnout.  It is especially relevant to mental health and substance abuse professionals.   Compassion fatigue describes the physical, emotional, and psychological impact of helping others.

This course will explore where this can occur, signs of compassion fatigue, and how to help yourself and others.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

What we put into our bodies has the greatest opportunity to affect our health, well-being, and psychotropic drug disposition. This course will explore how to understand better how what we put in our bodies affects our mental health and the medications taken. This will enable us to help our clients get the most out of their bodies, minds, and medications.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Uncertainty is very much a part of our lives. This course will explore how to address fear and anxiety in the midst of the pandemic, protests, and economic concerns.  This course will explore the difference between productive and non-productive worry, fear, and anxiety.  We will look at self-soothing exercises and therapeutic techniques.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Every year, lives are lost because of the spread of infections in healthcare facilities. Dental professionals can take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in the dental office and laboratory. Proper handwashing, universal precautions, and knowledge can all help to lead the way to prevent the spread of infections.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Nurses play a primary role in the administration of medications across settings. They can also be involved in dispensing and preparing medications, such as crushing pills and drawing up a measured amount for injections.  This course explores factors that contribute to safe medication administration.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Medical errors comprise the largest issue facing this country with regard to health care. This course was designed to educate those in the health care industry and specifically the mental health field on the magnitude of medical errors, their adverse effects, and methods to analyze errors in an effort to avoid future mishaps.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

The laws and regulations governing the confidentiality of substance use disorder records were written out of great concern about the potential use of substance use disorder information against individuals, causing individuals with substance use disorders not to seek treatment.

A risk-managed approach to documentation is a best practice to protect the client and the professional.

This course will explore 42 CFR part 2, HIPAA, and documentation of substance abuse therapy.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will review the statistics and prevalence of domestic violence in our society. We will define domestic violence and its various types of abuse.

The course will review the dynamics of violent relationships. Violent relationships follow a predictable cycle of violence. This course will discuss this cycle and review its patterns and screening methods through multiple case studies. The course will delve into special populations and associated risk factors. Upon completing the course, the professional will understand the specific resources available for those in need.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This course will explore how culture and stereotypes play a role in our we see ourselves and our clients.  We will explore cultural competency through cultural awareness, beliefs, knowledge, and skills.  We will examine the implications for counseling theory, research, practice, and training.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

An assessment is a basis for understanding the client’s presentation and is the beginning of conceptualizing their functioning into a diagnosis. This continuing education course will explore mental status exams, mental health assessments, alcohol and drug assessments, and the DSM V. We will also introduce the learner to a few popular assessment tools.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was founded in 1935 to help alcoholics abstain from the consumption of alcohol and to “stay sober” through the sharing of their experiences with others who have had similar experiences in a protected environment.

The 12 Step, the cornerstone of the program, was developed later to help govern the fellowship and to establish a consistent approach to spiritual and character-building endeavors. 

This course will explore the history and efficacy of the 12-step approach.

This course will award 1 continuing education hour.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Navigating the requirements of reporting suspected abuse and maltreatment is an important responsibility for everyone, particularly mandated reporters. This presentation will explore the requirements for reporting child abuse in California. We will look at which professionals are required to report. We will explore the timeline for reporting and the procedures that must take place.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

This workplace violence course provides information on the extent of violence in the workplace, assesses the hazards in different settings, and develops workplace violence prevention plans for individual worksites.

We will explore who is at risk and how violence can be reduced and avoided.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Every day counselors, nurses, psychiatric technicians, and others are called upon to intervene in crisis situations that may become dangerous if not handled properly.

This course will explore the prevention of aggressive behavior and crisis intervention techniques, which can include verbal de-escalation and physical interventions. We will identify the definition of aggression, warning signs of aggressive behavior, strategies to diffuse aggressive situations, crisis intervention techniques, and staff responsibilities after an event.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.  This course will explore this topic, helping employees know what constitutes sexual harassment and what to do as a co-worker or victim.

This course does not offer continuing education for license renewal.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Patient safety is the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of health care and reduction of risk of unnecessary harm associated with health care to an acceptable minimum.  An acceptable minimum refers to the collective notions of given current knowledge, resources available, and the context in which care was delivered weighted against the risk of non-treatment or other treatment.

This course will review the need for timely and accurate incident reports, the root cause analysis process, patient rights, terms regarding patient safety, driver safety, and The Joint Commission’s Behavioral Health Care National Patient Safety Goals.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Every year, lives are lost because of the spread of infections in hospitals and outpatient health care facilities. Health care workers can take steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. These steps are part of infection control. Proper handwashing, universal precautions, and knowledge can all help to lead the way to prevent the spread of infections.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Employee performance reviews are fraught with anxiety.  It is critical to the employee and employer’s success these are handled effectively.  With the right approach, reviews are an excellent opportunity to reinforce solid performers and redirect the poor ones.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

It is estimated that 60 to 75 percent of adolescents with mental health and/or substance abuse issues have co-occurring disorders.  Commonly documented co-occurring disorders include conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance dependence.

This course will explore the prevalence, warning signs, specific disorders, and treatment options.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

A drug test analyzes a biological sample used to determine the presence of specific substances.  Drug testing is done pre-employment, randomly by employers, after an accident on the job, during probation, by the police, in the prison system, in recovery programs, in hospitals, and by parents.

This course will explore the types of drug tests, what each screen is for, the collection procedure, and the need for consent.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Severe anxiety can arise after trauma or injury, under persistent stress, or extreme change. This course will explore distinguishing between everyday worry and an anxiety disorder, the top five anxiety disorders, signs, symptoms, and risk factors.  We will also discuss treatment approaches.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.

Anger is a powerful, natural feeling. Everyone feels it at some time, and we have the right to feel that way. It’s what someone does with anger that makes the difference.

As clinicians, we aim to help clients learn effective ways to manage their anger. In this course, we will explore anger and its causes, common approaches to anger, the problems with anger, the positive aspects of anger, and anger management.

This course is offered online. Internet connection required.